

Hydraulic torque Services
Bolting service technique of using the hydraulic torque wrench to exert torque on a fastener to achieve proper tightening or loosening of a connection through the use of hydraulics. A torque wrench is applied to the nut either directly or in conjunction with an impact socket. Hydraulic torque wrenches apply a predetermined, controlled amount of torque to a properly lubricated fastener

The Advantage Of Place An Order From Our Hydraulic Torque Service
Powerful and safety by using hydraulic generated torque. Various sizing bolt to be applied per unit of power square driver. An accurate method of determining the amount of torque applied. Working with large nuts and bolts until the hydraulic torque service was introduced. Rapid and accessible service for client.

Bolt Tensioning Service
An efficient reliable technique of applying a preload to a fastener assembly. Our service application is put the bolt tensioning unit over each bolt on the connection where to be tightened. Then connect the interconnecting hydraulic hose to a pump unit and allows each bolt tensioning tool to be pressurized providing even loading around the joint, bolt tensioning applies a force through the bolt and axially extend. This in turn provides the fastening force necessary to maintain the joint

Our service provides the best practice available to achieve proper bolt control in critical joint and proper solution to your critical bolt tightening problem.